Place On This Earth (WAV - 440MB) - £12.50 (or more if you're a SUPERFAN!)

The Earth Years

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Place On This Earth (WAV - 440MB) - £12.50 (or more if you're a SUPERFAN!)

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The debut album from The Earth Years, released January 2021.

(Full album purchase includes full sized album cover artwork, plus liner note artwork, and album background blurb as below)

Background to "Place On This Earth"

A personal singer-songwriter album had infamously been the project that was "on and off the back burner" for years and years,

The debut album from The Earth Years, released January 2021.

(Full album purchase includes full sized album cover artwork, plus liner note artwork, and album background blurb as below)

Background to "Place On This Earth"

A personal singer-songwriter album had infamously been the project that was "on and off the back burner" for years and years, due to various factors; internal conflicts, health issues, work/financial pressures, procrastination/avoidance, relationships, serious road accident/recovery, fear, distractions etc etc...

A small scale acoustic EP from The Earth Years had been recorded with a few songs in 2002, but it was never fully released and only sold on CD at a few gigs in Australia on 2003.

A handful of times, over the course of about 15 years, a very short spurt of energy and time had been put into the album project, but it was far from being finished. Fragments of recordings existed; a few guitar parts here, some drums there, guide vocals on a few tracks, a skeleton arrangement on others etc...

After much soul-searching, a decision was made, late 2019, to commit to regular work on the album - no more procrastination!

Since the album was to be written, performed, recorded, mixed and produced by one person (with the exception of a few guest musicians contributing performances), there was a mountain of work to be done...

It required a combination of patience, passion, love, prioritising and "feel the fear and do it anyway".......

So, despite relationship challenges, and the challenges of "you know what" during 2020, the album was finished just inside the self-appointed deadline, the end of that year.

Given how long the concept of an album had existed for, it was decided that rather than mix older with newer songs, the album would honour the songs from the early period of songwriting, 2000-2004.

Hence, "Place On This Earth" features a diverse collection of songs written during that time, including a bunch of songs written while living/travelling in New Zealand and Australia in 2003.

Largely born from cathartic expressions of internal experiences, this is a very personal album, a window into the inner world of the artist, moving through the complex, evolving landscapes of mind, body and spirit..... Touching on love and fear, joy and sorrow, expansion and retreat, across a range of different tonal flavours and colours, the songs on this album are tied together by The Earth Years' trademark theme of beauty, melancholy and a depth of honest introspection that speaks to those with a heart and mind open to resonating with these themes of human experience, as we journey to find our "Place On This Earth".....

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